
Secret Formula for Happiness

This post might be cliche..

Few days before, while I was driving my car from work, I was having an epiphany. I suddenly feel some conscious, which I was realize, I am happy. It's not the first time though, but it was rare. Usually, when something hit me, and I was feeling some sort of blue, I force myself to be happy. But recently, I was receiving so much love and I am happy, to be happy.

With all of the things that happened in this world and those surrounds you, it is easy for you to feel negative with your life. Sometimes, you do not know how to divert those feelings. For me, one thing that I could do is, feeling blessed. To have such feeling, you have to look back all of the things that you have, and try to feel enough. I am blessed, to be surrounded with people that remind me, to feel blessed all the time.

I remember my father, always reminds me, that rezeki comes in all ways, and everyday, those rezeki awaits you. It is whether you realize it or not. He also said, everyone has their own portion, (so, dont worry). I know how cliche that might sounds, but when you are born with those words, it sticks with you. I remember, one post which my friend created; she said, we are all the same. We may eat different food, dressed certain ways, ride different vehicle, we are still living every single day the same way as others, only our 'skins' are different.

It is easy for you feel 'threatened'. But mark this, you are always going to feel that way, if you start comparing yourself. Like me, sometimes I feel threatened when I see my friends with expensive gadgets. I have been looking through instagrams, seeing people eating/travelling to certain places, which I know, it takes years for me to achieve that. But, after a while, I asked myself, is that my source of happiness? Am I going to be happy if I go along with these trends? If I always comparing myself with other people lives, I will never feel enough. If I dont feel enough, I will never feel blessed, thus, I will never feel happy. So, the secret formula is,

Stop comparing > Feel enough > Blessed = Happiness.

So, I am happy and blessed. I am happy with my 23 yrs old Wira, a hardcore mobile phone (I am pretty violent towards my items) which was my brother's old phone, the same old clothes (even from 4 - 6 yrs) which I still wearing, a part time job that allows me to do different things and meet peoples, and of course, family and friends that cause me happiness and headaches (LOL).

So, try to be happy with your life. and always, always be blessed.

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