
Stress? Tak StresS?

Recently aku dilambakkan dengan assignment2, dan lab (walaupun tak seberapa) membuatkan aku berfikir sejenak, dan mengulang semula kata2 serta memori guru2, rakan2 terdahulu mengenai kehidupan di Universiti. Hidup Universiti tak macam dekat zaman2 sekolah dulu. Homework tak siap, buat dunno jerh. Ujian datang buat lepas pegi jerh. But as everything is much more important, I know at this moment, I have to be serious. But the problem that arises is, I MAY put too much pressure on myself. I take things too seriously, and somehow it become a burden. Another problem that I encounter is, the way I react with other people, especially to my fellow course-mates that were/are assign to do some assignment with me. I want everything to be perfect. Though I know, perfection is impossible. But for me, it isn't hard to give it a shot. Mungkin aku kena faham, tak semua mempunyai pemikiran seperti aku. Bila orang faham A, aku cakap B, bila orang ta paham2 agi, aku still ngan B. (apemende aku merepek niyh?) Konklusinyer, sometimes, aku pun ta paham aku... =.='' .ARGH!! Senang citer, aku STRESS!!

P/S; tatkala mendengar lagu2 love songs dari jango.com and aku tenga buat lab report. Tapi yg klakanyer, masih lagi sempat berblogging.

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