

Well, as I mentioned in the earlier post, I am now in the middle of semester break. Plan to have a part time job actually, but somehow it didn't work out, I thought it would be easy, but my thought was wrong.

I did find few options, but I had trouble somehow;

1. They didn't want to employ a person who only intended to work for a month
2. Working as promoter n I wish I could say as "kuli" *but working as kuli, you don't get salary, or really?* and if you bosses are non- Muslims, you may encounter problems when it comes to prayer times. Especially, when you are working for the one whole day.

Actually, my post here is not  actually to talk about  the 'cuti'  I am having now, it is more on that number 2 thing. I'm really do not have any other meaning, or easier to say, being RACIST.. I just want to point out some issue that in my guessing, others may have the same problem too..

Well, it is not that I want to point any finger to anyone, I just hope some changes could be done.

As we all knew, our country, MALAYSIA is a multiracial country, but from the findings, if other people wanted to know, half of them are Malays, (still, not try to be racist), so, the probability of having Malays as employee are very high. So, Malays is synonym as Muslims. The issues arise here is, there are still cases of prayers issue. I understand that maybe some of the non - Muslims do not understand that, Muslims HAVE to perform their prayers for 5 times a day. and for them to not allow their workers to perform prayers, just saddened me, eventhough they may think, that it will be okay if we (Muslims) do not have to perform our prayers.

I am not blaming them, because some of them do not have the knowledge about this. Usually, the non - Muslims who have befriended with Muslims understand and can be tolerant about the prayer issues. Still, they are also some issues about some workplace do not provide the facility or a place for their Muslims workers to perform their prayer.

I guess there are some people (I say some) who may think that by letting us Muslims to perform prayers, just kind of wasting a bit of time.. But actually, we do not require a lot of time to perform our prayer, we only use about 15 minutes, especially if we do not have problems w/ facility. And , if we calculate the time carefully, we only pray for 3 times a day when we are working, because for another 2, we can do it at home.

Actually, in my findings (and opinion), these issues arise when there are some people do not have the knowledge about these. That's why they don't really understand and couldn't see the issues that arise. I'm sorry to say, we, Muslims may also the one who creates the problem. When some of us Muslims, DO NOT MIND bout the prayers, we give them (the non Muslims) the thought that prayers are not really important (which is wrong, PRAYERS ARE COMPULSORY for every Muslims). At the same time, they are also some Muslims who, creates trust issues by simply steal time off from working. But, they are also some employer who just/still have problem hiring Muslims workers because really concern about the prayers thingy. For this case, I hope you can tell them, that you do not want Muslims workers at the first place. (and after that people will create issues by saying that they are being unfair~ bla.. bla.. bla...) Actually, it would be easier, because at least you (Muslims) would not find problems later.......

When we are so proud in pointing out that we are living in a country which consist a multiracial community, we forgot it is not the peace that we should be bragging about, it is about the understanding thingy. When ones try to understand others, knowledge is very important, then we will know how to be tolerant. After that comes respect. That is the most important.