
Buku, Movie dan Adaptasi


Setelah seminggu duduk rumah tidak berbuat apa2 aktiviti yang berfaedah, memang rase membuang masa yang teramat sangat, and masa bercuti tinggal lagi almost 3 minggu.. *sigh*. But, anyway, sebelum ni aku ade tengok cerita Ariana Rose, as the adaptation from the wedding breaker. And, recently, I watched The Last Airbender, and really, really, disappointed. Then, I came up with this thought and idea, that make me want to create this post.

Sometimes, your favourite books, cartoons or anime, are turn into the live action. Trust me, if you read it or watch the original first, you might end up complaining or making such huge fuss out of it (like ehem! me). You might end up complain the storyline become differ, the scenes are twisted, or your favourite scene might not even there. Well, what do you expect?!  From the whole chapter is compressed into a really short duration of time, you cannot put your high expectations into it. Or, sometimes you might complain bout the actors that really (according to you) just don't fit.

and how about watch the adaptation first, then turn to the original??

But seriously, after you watch the whole thing in the movie, are you really that patient to read? Again? (I do not read, it is exhausting). Ok, maybe you have the patient, but, like me, when I watch the Ariana Rose (just one or two episodes), and then I decided to read the novel, but, I already saw the actor and actresses, and I can no longer do my own imagination. That feeling however, suck.

So, the solution??

This is however a personal opinion of mine. Not try to against anything or anyone. I am just saying, if you want a satisfaction in the story line, just do either one of it. Either it is the original  (don't care whether it is the cartoon or the book) or just watch the adaptation. Don't be too greedy. That's why you will never had enough.

I decided that I just want to watch the movie/tv adaptation. Hohohoho

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